Google gets 10B results within a fraction of seconds for particular search queries. Does your website stand there? Does it come as a result of the product you are selling in your targeted countries?

SEO is about the on-page and off-page strategies, that you can use to improve your website ranking on Google’s SERP (Search Engine Result Page) through various means. The on-page focuses on the website’s SEO friendly content and many other technical signals that Google considers to rank. Off-page focuses on getting inbound links with two agenda: make Google’s crawler to visit your website and bring traffic to your website. In the Export business, the focus should be more on website content and navigation. The website content should be optimized considering the target country’s users.

  Localize Website Content & Navigation: Make sure to not create informative content but consultative. How to reach out to different countries with a single language (English)? Hire an editor who speaks the local market language and speaks English too plus understands the niche market of your business. 

  Keywords Research: Make sure you use those search terms/keywords which interest your buyers in various countries. Choosing relevant keywords for your business is essential. Categorize the set of keywords like Browsing keywords, Comparison keywords, and Buyer keywords.

  Quality Backlinks: This is used to provide a signal to Google to assure that your site is a quality resource for citation. It is a practice of improving search engine visibility and earns higher authority on the internet. International marketing needs to cater to proper content and backlinks on the website. The more you do regular off-page SEO activities, the higher traffic & authority you’ll get.


Google offers an online advertising platform where the advertiser bid to display brief ads, offerings of service, product listing, or even a video to the target audience.

  Target Ads: Google ads target the right people, in the right place, and at right time at a rational price. Plan Google campaign strategically. Define a periodic campaign budget. Take target audience on the landing page. Find some budget for branding ads. It offers different ways of targeting:

  • Keywords
  • Location
  • Language
  • No. of days, time and frequency
  • Devices
  Control budget: It allows you to control your budget. You can choose how much you want to spend on a monthly basis, per day, and per ad. Moreover, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Doesn’t it sound interesting?

  Measure your success: Google keeps track of the entire activity done by the user. If somebody clicks on your ad triggered any event like, made a purchase, downloaded something, giving personal information or even a phone call – everything is tracked. If you are exporting in multiple countries, this helps you penetrate. It directs you to see which campaign is generating higher revenue and which is not performing well. That is how you manage your campaign for different countries. 

3. LinkedIn for B2B:

LinkedIn is a great Social media platform to engage your buyers. LinkedIn offers various free and paid services to promote your brand, like:

Establish your brand with Free LinkedIn Page: You can attract untapped international audience through your product content on the business page. Run goal-specific ad campaigns. Nurture your individual profile and company page with awesome content. Keep engaging users with your content. Actively participate in groups. 

Promoting business with LinkedIn ads: LinkedIn offers an advertisement platform for publishers. You can run ad campaigns for branding, page followers and lead generation. Dedicate periodic budget to run ads on LinkedIn.
