Future of Digital Marketing in 2021

 we did some research about the most successful CMOs + their’ predictions and according to them — the following trends are already taking over and shaping the world of Digital Marketing and will be developing even further over the next few years.

1. More accurate metrics (not matrix).

There is no doubt that the technologies that marketers are currently using are getting out of date and there is room for improvement. Those “metrics” and “analytics” tools that are in use now will be either replaced by the new ones or changed dramatically.

2. Chatbots and personalized communication will get better 😇

You may have been using those for your business but the question is how smart and personalizing are they? This part of marketing is extremely crucial in so many industries these days. It should be noted that interaction between humans is irreplaceable but at the same time, customer support can’t be in touch with all clients 24/7.

3. Podcasts, webinars, and personal brand.

Podcasts & webinars are being shifted from free to pay as they are bringing more and more value and becoming one of the key elements of modern marketing.

4. Segmentation, targeting, and personalization.

It goes without saying that all marketing and sales automation services will gain more and more popularity but their focus will also be affected by people’s needs. The right targeting and segmentation plus personalization will have their impact on many aspects of marketing. AI will do its part as well.

5. Highly-customizable products almost in any industry will be a boom.

Again, it’s pretty much related to the previous trend but it works exactly the same and attracts customers’ attention in many ways. Would you pick a product that is designed for a large number of people (everyone is acquiring the same product) or a product that you can customize for your personal use? We bet you would choose the latter. This is one of the keys to today’s marketing and it will only become stronger over time.

If you haven’t implemented some of these strategies you should try them out or at least keep track of them!
